On OpenEd Jam – two weeks to go!

It’s a conference that will be happening in less than two weeks here in San Antonio. I’ve been a bit quiet about this, I suppose.

For the past couple of years, I’ve been researching free licensing within education systems. There has been an increasing trend to create and use freely licensed material on an international scale. There have been a multitude of small and large organizations that have taken on these principles and adopted them for their libraries, schools, musuems, etc. The topic of freely licensed material is gaining positive reinforcement in some sectors of the the corporate and political worlds.

Communities like these understand the value of freely licensed resources and intertwine in such a fascinating way. The desire to learn new information, create and modify artifacts and expand on previous thought drives these communities. What better way to foster that desire than with freely licensed resources?

By gathering this community of hackers, makers, educators and librarians, I hope that people will not only see their similarities in the way to approach licensing in education, but also amplify their work on this topic in an effective way.

So, I decided to go for it. I’m quite excited about the line up of speakers and all of the sessions that have been confirmed so far.