General Resume
Bilingual Computer Science Teacher
Worked at the Margarita Muñiz Academy, a dual language high school in Boston Public Schools, for two academic years using almost exclusively software libre. Developed bilingual curriculum for projects including Arduino, Inkscape, Krita, Kdenlive, MIT App Inventor, etc.
Playful Journey Lab, MIT
Played in the MIT Playful Journey Lab! Analyzed the assessment tools and resources for the Woodrow Wilson Academy Partnership through the lens of competency-based mastery.
Libre Learn Lab, Director
Libre Learn Lab is a two-day summit at MIT in Boston, Massachusetts on October 8th and 9th 2016 for people who create and implement freely licensed resources for education, bringing together educators, policy experts, software developers, hardware hackers, and activists to share best practices and address the challenges of widespread adoption of these resources in education.
There was much better gender-representation than shown in this photo. It just so happened that everyone else left earlier than this photo was taken. Given that though, I do think I can better organize to ensure a more diverse and inclusive event. For example, I really struggled between hosting the event at MIT and a local education center in Boston, because I thought hosting it at MIT would bring in more people from all corners and people would be more excited to attend and give talks/workshops. Going forward, I would chose the local education center and focus on strong local community development. This is what we did in San Antonio for the first event and I think it was much more successful.
Sugar Labs Google Code-In, Outreach Mentor
11/01/2014 – Present Google Code-In Website
Open Ed Jam: Director
“OpenEdJam is a 3-day international event that brings together activists, developers, educators, engineers, librarians, and makers from all fields. We will provide a hands-on environment where participants can collaborate on innovative creations and uses of free and open education resources.”
Eastside Promise Neighborhood Robotics: Coordinator & Community Organizer
Completed 08/31/2014
“Engaging young people: How to include positive youth participation in our free software community” Presentation and workshop at LibrePlanet conference hosted by the Free Software Foundation at MIT on March 24th, 2018 with Devin Ulibarri Video Link
“Adopting Open Education in San Antonio” Presentation at Geekdom in San Antonio, Texas on March 10th, 2014
“We’ll give a brief introduction to the world of Open Education. Joining us will be Chancellor Bruce Leslie who will speak about the new initiative to use open textbooks within the Alamo Community Colleges.”
“Don’t be Bored, Make Something” Panelist on the White House’s “We the Geeks” Live Google Hangout on November 8th, 2013
“Designing with Empathy: Explore Perspectives with MaKey MaKey” Facilitated workshop at FabLearn conference at Stanford University on October 27th, 2013 with Mark Barnett and Don Davis
“This workshop is intended to better familiarize educators with developing empathy in design thinking through MaKey MaKey based projects. The workshop will begin with a brief justification for incorporating empathy into design based learning projects. Educators will then engage in a hands-on, empathy-oriented design project that will significantly illustrate the importance of empathy in design and that can be easily and effectively recreated with students at many levels.”
Free Education Software in Respect to Plan Ceibal
Independent research in Uruguay, 04/2012-06/2012
This was a field research in Uruguay aimed at exploring the relationships between officials of the Uruguayan government’s initiative Plan Ceibal, international software developers and local teachers with regards to the free educational software, Sugar, installed on the XO laptops sold by One Laptop per Child.