Passion for technology
Over the past few years, I have grown a keen interest in the development of technology. I realized the rapid development of it when my knowledge of HTML and CSS was out of date. I had learned these basic languages as a small child, but did not keep up to date with it. Now, I find myself trying to learn more languages, while updating my prior knowledge. This is an immense task, but I hope to gain the skill set. This is particularly true, because it is apparent that technology is a driving force in society, an organizing tool. However, to say that technology is just now an organizing tool does not give history justice. It is safe to say though that those who do not stay informed about technology may ultimately not receive imperative information or have the ability to have similar living standards as their counterparts.
Which brings me to my next point. Technology education. It is a dire need of the masses, but it is not widely accessible. Yet.