Workshop at Stanford’s FabLearn Conference

I recently had the pleasure of presenting a workshop entitled “Designing with Empathy: Explore Perspectives with MaKey MaKey” with Mark Barnett and Don Davis. Here is a link to the workshop description:

Also, here is a picture of the three of us after our workshop:

Mariah, Mark and Don

We received great feedback overall. It seemed like everyone who attended our workshop was engaged. We broke everyone up into teams and took them through the design thinking process while they created a prototype for a game controller. It was great to see educators from around the U.S. figuring out how they could implement a similar workshop in their schools, makerspaces, libraries, out-of-school programs etc.

I would  not have had this opportunity without Mark and Don. They are particularly awesome people to work with. Mark is actually the Captian of the Geekbus and Don is getting his PhD at UTSA.